Now I see the pro-pot people are invading Tillicum. Why would pro-pot people spend time at a Tillicum community meeting? There is only one reason I can think of. Pro-pot people want to bring pot to Tillicum.
Let’s face it. Tillicum has enough problems without getting stoned. One of the things Tillicum complains about is poverty. If one is poor and does not want to be poor, then it makes sense to take some action steps to bootstrap ones way out of poverty. An obvious action step would be to not burn up money, especially public assistance money, buying Marijuana.
Tillicum, say “NO” to Marijuana. Instead say “YES” to

There is already pot in Tillicum. Has been forever!
You are assuming that Tillicum residents would be the primary customers. There are folks who are not poor (your word) who live in the general Tillicum area, as well as people who might drive to a “pot shop”.
A second point is that marijuana has been approved by a majority of Washington voters and is a legal product. I find it troubling that a minority of people, who may not even have voted, are trying to impose their bias on the majority of voters who say they do not object to the people wanting their intoxicant.
Thank you
Just what the poor in Tillicum need: another drug to dull the pain of poverty……and push them deeper into poverty. The poor are disproportionately affected by the invasion of drugs (to include alcohol) and I put gambling in that category as well for it plays with body chemistry (endorphins) much in the same manner as drugs. Just what Tillicum needs: casinos, liquor stores and some pot shops.
Were you even present at the Tillicum meeting? I was, and I don’t remember them once saying they were going to be bring a marijuana store to Tillicum. In fact I remember them clearing up where there location would be at. Somewhere on ponders corner if I remember correctly. Perhaps you have something to back up your claim? because all I am seeing here is just your opinion and a misguided one at that.
Wow people. Tillicum is not all poor people come on. Pot is not coming to Tillicum. There was a community meeting Thursday night and the people that want to open a pot store were there sharing why they want Lakewood to allow them to open one. Facts people facts
Were you even present at the Tillicum meeting? I was, and I don’t remember them once saying they were going to be bring a legal marijuana store to Tillicum. In fact I remember them clearing up where there location would be at. Somewhere on ponders corner if I remember correctly. Perhaps you have something to back up your claim? because all I am seeing here is just your opinion and a misguided one at that.
In order to clear some of the smoke from this marijuana smoke-filled discussion:
1. Marijuana (MJ) is not – at least according to Jordan Michelson, owner of JandKCannabis who spoke at the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association meeting this past Thursday evening, Nov.5 – coming to Tillicum to set up shop. The warehouse planned for retail MJ sales is located at Ponder’s Corner – Alan Hart’s backyard – where the building has been leased, and sitting empty, for the past two years –as Michelson works his way through the legal process to address the objections of the Lakewood City Council.
2. To answer Boyle’s question – “Why would pro-pot people spend time at a Tillicum community meeting?” – the answer is because they were invited. MJ is most definitely a predatory industry not unlike casinos and therefore a topic affecting communities where residents are likely to be adversely impacted. Certainly more so an important subject is MJ than runaway shopping carts which has consumed the time of the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) – on which both Boyle and Hart sit – for no less than 19 months and the PSAC is still not done deciding what to do about these four-wheelers.
3. To Hart, who finds it “troubling that a minority of people, who may not even have voted, are trying to impose their bias on the majority of voters who say they do not object to the people wanting their intoxicant,” what is far more troubling is a city council that will not govern well but do instead what the people want.
“As elected officials, we are confronted with the question, ‘Was I elected to do what people want or to govern well?’ The answer to both parts of this compound sentence is ‘Yes.’ But normally, ‘what people want’ focuses on short-term special interests, desires, frustrations and agendas that frequently are transitory and narrowly defined especially when compared to the best long-term needs and interests of a community. One part of our role is to represent. It is important to listen and deal with and respond to citizen and community concerns in a reasoned and timely manner.
“But, the second part of the question is to ‘govern well.’ This is the quintessence of governance. This is where leadership, stewardship and guardianship over the community’s future become paramount. This is where we define, draft and achieve the ‘gift of the future.’” (Carl H. Neu, Jr. President of Neu and Company and Director of the Center for the Future of Local Governance,
It is a wise, ‘governing-well leader’ – seeing the red beady eyes, long pointed nose, and sharp teeth dripping saliva beneath the sheepskin covering – who can keep the wolf of marijuana at the door of the city. Along with other notoriously predatory and addictive monsters as casinos that rail and rage for entrance, marijuana offers obscene profits but only because it will feast on the addictions of people.
For now, Lakewood’s elected representatives have the gates barricaded against bongs being sold locally but mark my words they will buckle – as they did with gambling – to the big bucks being dangled over the city walls.
Pot is a gateway drug, and if you don’t know that by now, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe in a couple of years, after everybody sees what this drug can do to “certain” people, we can have another vote. The traffic collisions are already up due to pot in Washington State, and before you start yelling alcohol does the same, mind you, after smoking pot, it gives you the munchies…..and you also get thirsty where most people won’t be drinking water to refresh them selves. That’s why the Highway Patrol and police are getting together to draw blood with blowing an alcohol number although the ACLU is fighting the drawing of blood due to peoples rights again trying to protect the pot numbers from escalating in collisions and fatalities, that’s just what they do.
By the way, people in Steilacoom and Dupont and surrounding cities like Lakewood better watch out while driving with pot in the car and pulled over on Ft Lewis property. You are subject to search, and if MP’s find pot, you will be prosecuted on Federal law. Lakewood Police can do the same on Federal Property.
And for all the youngsters under 21 smoking the drug, it is illegal and your parents should be ashamed.
I Love Marinara. It may make me sleepy and makes me crave noodles but it erases all of my pains and troubles of the day. I am hooked on it and my Mama-Mia encourages it.