Have you ever had someone tell you to go to Hell? I have, especially when I was dealing with unhappy criminals. Most criminals are unhappy, especially those who belong to the Felons Club. I remember one, in particular, who told me to go to Hell and then tried to burn me in the face with his lit cigarette. As you might imagine, I made arrangements for him to spend a few days and nights in a non-smoking facility. I guess his threat was not an idle threat. He told me to go to Hell and to Hell I went. At least most of us would think of the Pierce County Jail as a kind of Hell. When he told me to go to Hell, he did not count on my taking him with me.

How about those folks who taunt you with, “I will give you what you want, as soon as Hell freezes over.”
These human interactions are a bit coarse, but now I have just stumbled onto something that gives a whole new twist to the concept of Hell. I am actually now thinking I would like to spend at least a week in Hell.
Check it out by clicking on my direct link to Hell where you can learn about the small town of Hell, Norway.
It is also interesting to note that Miss Universe 1990, Miss Mona Grudt, who billed herself as the beauty queen from Hell, was born in Hell, Norway.
Well, Hell, there you have it. I just thought you would want to know.
Mr. Boyle, that’s one he…heck of a story. If you ever go to Hell, Norway I suggest you pick up some sort of token showing you’ve been there. That would allow you to pass on any future request that you go to Hell and you could say, “Sorry dude, already been there.” Most of the mental giants who spew forth such a request would then be stumped.
Great story about Hell. The only comparable experience I’ve had along those lines was my 1998 railroad trip through Hell.
My husband and I have been in Hell, also — Hell, Poland! It’s a freezing place on the a finger of land with gust of icy wind from the sea. As we say, “It’ll be a cold day in Hell…”
and it sure was!