A friend on Facebook this morning wrote that she is “in the market for a new dishwasher,” that hers had been “out of order” for some time now. The friend was soliciting recommendations on “why you love your dishwasher.”
So people were responding to her in-need-of-dishwasher-
I responded as well:
I love my dishwasher. She has never needed replacing, consistently performs beyond expectations, and has wonderful capacity. I wouldn’t sell her, trade her, or buy an upgrade. They just don’t make ’em like her anymore. In just a few days my dishwasher and I will have been married 41 years.

I’m glad your wife thinks that’s funny. How come you don’t take over the dishwashing detail? Whoever cooks doesn’t do the dishes. That’s fair. She gets something just for putting up with your sexist attitude. That letter could have been written in 1950. We would have thought it was cute then. Not now.
My wife washes, I dry. We talk. We’ve been married 41 years. Raised four wonderful children. The story was about that. Not sexism, not a commentary about a woman’s role but about mutual commitment to the relationship.
I think it is a beautiful tribute and the sentiment that came through to me was appreciation. A clear sense of value and respect for your wife and her contributions to your lovely family. I wish more men took the time to thank their wives and to do it so publicly, with such charm and wit is sweet and admirable. I think the two of you are lucky beyond measure or maybe it isn’t luck at all. Maybe it is all about washing the dishes together. Thank you for sharing.
I however find it disheartening one would jump to such harsh judgment and attack someone after reading only 50 words; none as offensive as calling someone sexist. Perhaps this says more about the “defender” of her gender.