Frosty, our fondly dubbed Fairytale Facsimile, and the hottest thing since hell froze over: after school Satan Clubs for elementary students, have more than a broomstick or a pitchfork in common.
This coming December 14th is the announced arrival of Satanists at Tacoma’s Point Defiance Elementary School, pre-empting Santa’s appearance to chimneys around the world by 11 days.
Understandably, the red-suited, rotund, ever-jolly, ho-ho-ho, sleigh-borne fat guy pulled by a red-nosed reindeer named Rudolf is not a little red-faced having been upstaged by the red-suited, mean-spirited, ever-leering, ever-sneering forked-tongue and forked-tail visage of one disguised as the devil himself.
What, in the spirit of this hap-hap-happiest time of the year, are representatives of a fire-belching Satan doing on the scene?
People are rather heated up about this and the blow-torch response in some cases does not bode well for the coming showdown.
Rather like the sun (if and when we see it) does to snow (if and when we get it).
Is a snowman a snowman if there is no corncob pipe, just a stick? With no carrots in the vegetable bin, can a fir cone serve for the nose? Unable to roll snowballs around in the yard; insufficient white stuff to build a snowman bigger and better than the neighbor’s; no boots, no buttons, no broom, would a scraped and mounded pile of snow somehow spring up and dance around?
Not likely.
Similarly, can Satanists support what they say?
To hear Lilith Starr, who heads the Temple’s Seattle chapter, tell it in a news release: “The clubs ‘aren’t about proselytizing to children, but rather on giving them the critical-thinking skills they need to make their own decisions about the world.”
If for no other reason than allowing our little ones to believe in Santa, or that in fact there must have been some magic in that old silk hat that day, Satanists should go back to the pit they came from.
Imagine, after all, what giving children “critical-thinking skills” will do to all the magical, mystical moments that this time of year affords us as parents, regaling our babes at bedtime with tales of elves and flying reindeer, their widening wondering eyes slowly drooping off – with the help of a bit of sprinkling dust – to visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads.
Like Ralphie (“A Christmas Story”) and his glorious scheme to get a Red Ryder air Rifle without subsequently shooting his eye out, The Satanic Temple has made bullseyes of schools where children attend Good News Clubs.
To teach them “critical-thinking skills.”
Let it snow.
The truth, like the heat of the sun (we’ll take sunshine if we can’t have snow), should reveal Satanists – like it does Frosty snowmen – for what they are.
By the way: Santa is the evil one who punishes children. St. Nikolaus is the good one.
Just as I don’t want a Good News Bible Club teaching children to evangelize to other children.
I don’t want a group called Satanic Temple teaching children logic, self-empowerment and reasoning.
This should be done by the parent.
The main problem we have here is the concept of moral equivalence. The premise of moral-equivalence is that to be fair, we must allow everyone equal access to everything, because all ideas have equal merit and deserve equal respect.
This is, of course, a nonsensical notion. Taken to the extreme it would justify pedophiles running day-care centers, child sacrifices as part of religious services, and individuals marrying pets. Not surprisingly, it appears our Country is headed in that direction, as evidenced by the fact a full-grown man is now allowed to disrobe and shower in a locker room filled with 10-year-old girls.
Until society begins to realize some ideas are, indeed, more valid than others, and that some beliefs are actually quite harmful, we’ll continue to see politically-correct concepts erode the values which made America the greatest Country in the world. Perhaps the results of the presidential election is an indication people are getting tired of such nonsense.
Dare I point out, a religion that teaches that men and women are special creatures who should love and care for each other is superior to a belief system that claims we are no more than advanced animals.
After all, it’s quite natural for animals to kill and eat each other.
Moral equivalence… Well put. I hope those who need to think about this will have the benefit of reading what you wrote.
Joseph Boyle
Joseph: I agree with your comment.
Well said!!
These modern Humanist / Pagan agitators don’t realize that they have just provided the greatest argument on behalf of allowing voluntary school prayer and voluntary recitation of the Pledge.
Let them meet as long as we also allow voluntary school prayer, voluntary recitation of the Pledge and voluntary posting of the Ten Commandments and Nativity scenes in classrooms, etc. Let it all happen and let the “fittest” set of ethics and logic prevail. Allowing all without taking one side (specifically today without taking the side of modern Humanist / Atheism) is the very purpose of separation of church and state. No national denomination, not even Humanism. Rather there should be freedom of non-fault (Miller test) expression and speech for everyone, from the President on down.