New Lakewold Garden members enjoyed a “Picnic with a Purpose” Wednesday, Aug. 18 at the gardens as they toured the gardens, enjoyed a light dinner and learned more about the Lakewood facility. A major purpose was to introduce the design for an upscale entry area. A granite slab engraved with Lakewold Gardens is to be […]
Healthy Buzz in UP
Networking is a valuable way to connect business-to-business whether you’re an architect, dentist, caterer, chiropractor, graphic designer, handyman, electrician, insurance agent, real estate mogul, or other entrepreneur. On Saturday, August 14, the Healthy Buzz networking group will be buzzing at Bridgeport Place, 5250 Bridgeport Way West, in University Place. Meetings are only every other Saturday […]
Lakewood Rotary installs new president, honors volunteers
Mick Johnson (left) was installed president of the Rotary Club of Lakewood during ceremonies Saturday, June 26. He succeeds Greg Horn (right) who was honored along with his wife Mary Horn with a Paul Harris Fellow.
Lakewood SummerFEST a hit
Lakewood’s Summerfest drew a huge crowd Saturday, June 26, at Ft. Steilacoom Park. The event included stage shows, exhibits from a wide variety of commecial businesses as well as community organizations. There were play areas for kids plus military and fire department exhibits and a huge car show.
Site nearly cleaned after fire
Clean up is virtually complete at the site of the fire on South Tacoma Way near 84th St. The building was completely destoyed in the fire that occurred several months ago. In Steilacoom, Town Administrator reported an application to clean up the fire destroyed marina at Saltar’s Point has been sent back for additional detail. […]
Lakewood Lions name president, member of year
Fae Crabill (left) has been selected president of the Lakewood First Lions and Barb Reames (right) has been named Lion of the Year by the group. Both were recognized during recent installation ceremonies. Lakewood First Lions meets Wednesday mornings at 7 am in Burr’s Restaurant. Crabill has been an active club member and community supporter […]
Save the Date: April 9 is Lakewood Rotary dinner, auction
The annual Lakewood Rotary Club Sportsman Dinner & Auction has been scheduled for April 9, 2011, according to Tony Robinson, chairman. “Mark your calendar right now,” the spokesman suggested, “so you contact a club member to make sure you are able to get tickets before the event sells out.” The event is a major fundraiser […]
Letter: Curb it, park it
Curb it, park it, get on your bike and ride it! Save the planet and here’s a way to pay for it (Olympian story)! Check out the ongoing discussion on Facebook by the group “City of Lakewood should provide Tillicum with a BIKE PATH!“. There is yet another discussion on Tillicum’s website at
Two Byrd School markers
Byrd School, the first school building north of the Columbia River, was built in 1855. Recently, developers of Lakewood’s Echelon Apartments at Steilacoom Boulevard and Lakewood Drive, erected a marker recognizing the school’s site inside the apartment complex. Additionally, another marker noting the school’s nearby location was erected years ago on what today is the […]