The City Council of Lakewood, Washington has before it a recommendation to continue its participation in Metro Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), “a multi-jurisdictional police task force comprised of several Pierce County municipalities,” according to a 98-page report to the Lakewood City Council, pp.155-253.
Westside Story – Steilacoom TCC Doubles In Size
Tacoma Community College (TCC) founded in 1965, recently released “Discover TCC!”, a promotion to help prospective students learn about Tacoma Community College.
Letter: “Jackpot” a term no longer to be used by Metro SWAT as having ‘recovered’ hostage
In response to “one of the largest punitive awards ever in Washington State for police use-of-force and wrongful death,” significantly involving Lakewood, the multi-jurisdictional Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) force has eliminated “the word ‘jackpot’ from its operational lexicon.”
Home from Home: National Anthems
Submitted by Susanne Bacon I hail from a country that, for a long time, had lost any national pride at all due to its horrible history. We have lost permission to sing our national anthem’s first stanza, because during the Third Reich it was seen as a justification to conquer land, not as a call […]
Letter: FYI on PTC
Just so we’re all tracking together on the much-anticipated Positive Track Control (PTC), sometimes called Train Control, without which development 12 trains per day will not be barreling through Lakewood at 79 mph, don’t count on PTC to prevent vehicle-train accidents at grade crossings.
Letter: The umbrella
What is it about puddles and raindrops, blue rubber boots with green frog designs, and yellow rain jackets with hoods not up that beg for a leap-flying, pigtails-scattering, peals-of-laughter-the-air-splitting, water-and-mud-splattering (them and us and the camera lens) kersploosh that is so beautifully, and importantly, a part of childhood?
Westside Story – First & Last Ride
It was back in the mid-1940s when I gave my darling baby sister, Peg, her first vehicle operation lesson by pushing her off the top of Seattle, Washington’s Queen Anne Hill in her all metal baby stroller with sharp rusty edges and no seatbelt.
Letter: Dads and daughters, why they matter
Stormy Daniels, whose birthday is today, is one reason. As I’m writing this, a father and his two daughters came down to go fishing at our lake-front public dock.
Letter: When will the tide change in our country?
My dad, piloting solo, was heading south along the Puget Sound shoreline and had left the wheel of his pride and joy – the inboard plywood boat he’d built – to address a matter near the stern. Unseen ahead was a sandbar which, had dad attended to proper steersmanship, he would have avoided.