Today, it is with great sadness that I announce I am dropping out of the 2020 presidential race. Let it be known by all citizen voters that I have met all Constitutional requirements for becoming president of the United States. CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: I am a US citizen. I have been a resident of America for […]
Westside Story – Gun Free Kill Zone
COURTESY WARNING: Many of my columns are meant to be humorous and entertaining. This is not one of those articles. My column today is intended to be a frank, life-saving article, and it includes adult topics that might be considered unpleasant and stressful as they relate to personal safety, injury, death, and homicide while involved […]
Dorothy Wilhelm Needs Your Help. Who Can Be Surprised?
I am ooking forward to meeting history buffs, generally interested people, and friends at the Lakewood Film, Art and Book Fest. But Hey, give me a break. I look much better than the picture recently published in Suburban Times. Below, I am in the Pioneer Mother dress I wear for these presentations. Much better, right? […]
Lakewood Police Citizens Academy, Pt I
20 people were scheduled and appeared for the first Lakewood Police Department Citizen Academy. The course is an immersive study into the background and assets of a modern police force. It is a series of 10 classes that will happen in September and October, most on Thursday nights, with two of the classes happening on […]
Letter: Hitting (on) the rails
How much compensation should there be for Amtrak riders – and those on I-5 below – who suffered “broken bones, brain injuries, spinal wounds and other trauma” when Amtrak 501 derailed on its inaugural run December 18, 2017 just minutes after passing through our community of Tillicum? That’s the question before jurors in the Tacoma […]
Across the Fence: From Industry to Leisure
Sometimes it takes you a real long time to explore things straight in your backyard. This happens to have been the case with a pretty park none too far from our Lakewood home – the other day, after having lived in the Pacific Northwest almost ten years, we decided to explore Tumwater Falls, close to […]
Westside Story – Under Pressure
During 40 of my 76 years on the planet, I was called Lord Boyle, not because I was related to royalty, but because I was a rental landlord. We read about a lot of nastiness between tenants and landlords. My relationships with most of my tenants were both positive and friendly. Years ago, an Army […]
Westside Story – Has Our Marriage Lasted Too Long?
It is a giant blessing in one’s life when a young man meets a young woman, and they fall in love, which is what happened with my wife and me. Often marriage follows sometime after that first date. My marriage to the beautiful young woman I met in high school occurred four years after I […]
Westside Story – Inaugural Famous Fun People Day
On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, I celebrated my first ever Annual Famous Fun People Day by inviting three famous people to join me for espresso and fun conversation. The invitees were: Clint Eastwood – Movie and Producer Magnet of worldwide fame. Clint sent his regrets. Clint Eastwood admitted he has never had one of Joe […]