Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo. Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886. Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff […]
Letter: Sure. Tear statues of Jesus down too.
And, while you’re at it, toss the Virgin Mary, demolish stain glass windows of their friends, and rampage, rip, and similarly destroy murals. Simply because the images of the religious figures depicted are white. Here, according to Wikipedia, is what activist, writer and supporter of the Black Lives Movement, Shaun King, said June 22, 2020 […]
Westside Story – Fajardo For Sheriff – Reason #3
Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo. Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886. Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff […]
Westside Story – TBR Magazines
I have to ask. Do you feel stressed because of the heaps of unread magazines piled all over your home? Do magazines strewn all over your end tables make it impossible to locate even a tiny bit of space to place a coaster for your Gin & Tonic? Are your end tables covered with magazines […]
Westside Story – Fajardo For Sheriff – Reason #2
Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo. Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886. Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff […]
Across the Fence: Burfoot and Another Park
Being stuck inside the State in the times of Corona doesn’t mean you cannot explore or find some utterly exquisite pockets of nature where you don’t even expect them. Last Sunday, my husband, Don, and I wanted to get some exercise in the area, and I still have that wonderful book ( I bought before […]
Westside Story – Fajardo For Sheriff – Reason #1
Cyndie Fajardo, (pronounced (faa har doe), was born in Brooklyn, New York. That was the day she began her lifelong trek towards becoming our next Pierce County Sheriff. In 1886, which is 134 years ago, Cyndie Fajardo’s great-grandfather, John Timmons, began a family tradition of public service. He dedicated his life to law enforcement as […]
Letter: Commencement – what is it really about?
We celebrate births and birthdays, weddings and anniversaries, ribbon-cuttings and building dedications. And graduations. What do they all have in common? Not so much what The Day itself means but for what brought it about. The Day is a marker, a memorial, a reason to recall the rigors that make the day possible. And what […]
Across the Fence: A Decadent Breakfast
Last night I was rattled from sleep twice – a helicopter was circling over-head. Circling helicopters in our neighborhood are never a good sign. The last time one was around for over an hour was when somebody was shot close to our neighborhood, and one of the Seattle news channels had sent their reporter team. […]