I was sitting there, cold, huddled in a blanket, not feeling very well, a cup of coffee cradled occasionally in my hands to ensure my fingers would stay somewhat nimble on the keys of the computer, looking forward to my bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup. But my heart was warm given the sweet, contrite voice […]
Across the Fence: A FABulous Festival
Do you make the best of what your hometown has to offer? Are you even aware what’s on offer? While you are reading this, one of Lakewood’s most creative festivals is opening its doors again – a festival featuring fantastic fine arts, imaginative authors and their books, and movies that will shape your view of […]
Spanky Burgers, Salads, and Shakes Restaurant Review
We’ve visited Spanky Burgers eight or nine times. We’ve yet to find an unsmiling face to greet us. When we walked in around 4:30 I remarked, “So, we beat the afternoon rush.” There was no one else there. Spanky Burgers is located on the corner of Sixth and Pine in Tacoma. Sixth Avenue is a […]
Galloping Gerties Restaurant Review Tillicum – Lakewood
Galloping Gerties in the Lakewood neighborhood of Tillicum is a must visit Bar and Grill. It’s at the Madigan Hospital exit on I-5. In a recent post about Family Style, down home restaurants, a reader reminded me of Galloping Gerties Restaurant. A couple of years ago I had breakfast there before shooting video for a […]
Westside Story – Joe Boyle Drops Out Of Presidential Race
Today, it is with great sadness that I announce I am dropping out of the 2020 presidential race. Let it be known by all citizen voters that I have met all Constitutional requirements for becoming president of the United States. CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: I am a US citizen. I have been a resident of America for […]
Westside Story – Gun Free Kill Zone
COURTESY WARNING: Many of my columns are meant to be humorous and entertaining. This is not one of those articles. My column today is intended to be a frank, life-saving article, and it includes adult topics that might be considered unpleasant and stressful as they relate to personal safety, injury, death, and homicide while involved […]
Women and Girls Win Big at Local Golf Tournament
I’ve been involved with fundraising golf tournaments since Christmas House of Pierce County back in the 1980s. I’ve helped raise money for Rotary Club of Tacoma #8, Tacoma Executives Association, Transportation Club of Tacoma, the Washington State Fair, and Soroptimist Club of Tacoma, and Chapter AY P.E.O.. For a successful golf tournament you need several […]
Too Smart for Our Own Good? Passing the 8th-Grade Science Test
Students have much more to learn today than we had when we were their age. Could you pass an 8th-Grade Science Test? Four years ago there was a competition between seven hundred computer scientists. Using their own versions of AI (Artificial Intelligence) they all failed to pass the 8th-Grade Science Test. They all scored less […]
Letter: Hitting (on) the rails
How much compensation should there be for Amtrak riders – and those on I-5 below – who suffered “broken bones, brain injuries, spinal wounds and other trauma” when Amtrak 501 derailed on its inaugural run December 18, 2017 just minutes after passing through our community of Tillicum? That’s the question before jurors in the Tacoma […]