Wednesday, April 28, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m. University Place residents, friends, and families will join together at the University Place Senior Center for an early evening Lasagna Dinner with live entertainment provided by Thomas Brooks. There will be door prize drawings for spa services such as therapeutic massage; plus lunches, dinners, and more. Gather friends […]
50+ Driver Safety class April 23 and 24
Merrie Sullivan, AARP Driver Safety instructor, returns to Bridgeport Place to teach the eight-hour AARP Driver Safety class. The course materials are geared toward senior drivers who are 50+. Bridgeport Place is hosting the AARP class, as it did earlier this year; another session is slated in the fall. The class will span two days. […]
Daffodil thief
Wednesday afternoon a little before 3:00, a friend and I were driving back to work westbound on Cirque Drive about 1,000 feet beyond the roundabout at Alameda and Cirque Drive. There stood a well dressed man in business attire on the north side of the street where the public planting of the daffodils is fully […]
LHS needs web help
Can you do web pages? Are you willing to help the Lakewood Historical Society? The LHS has a web page that contains a lot of information and good material. Unfortunately, what it doesn’t have right now is excitement and the latest whistles and bells (that’s because no one at LHS knows what or how to […]
Lakewood resident helps recover B-17
Glen Speith, Lakewood historian and military aviation enthusiast has been involved for years recovering a B-17 that has been sitting in a swamp in Papua, New Guinea since WW2. Speith got involved in the search and recovery when he started looking for the plane which was flown by a wingman of his father. The airplane […]
U.P. Recreation Department relying on pancakes
The University Place Parks and Recreation Department’s Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction is this Saturday, April 3. Serving begins at 8 a.m. in the Curtis High School cafeteria. People of all ages are welcome. The event is much more than a social gathering. Funds raised will ensure the continuous operation of the University Place Community […]
Steilacoom Chamber leaders feast on salmon; learn about economic recovery
Eighteen people from the local business community enjoyed a sumptuous salmon dinner at the Steilacoom Tribal Museum in conjunction with the Steilacoom Chamber of Commerce on March 24. Chamber President Cindy McKitrick conducted the business portion of the meeting and spoke about the advent of the new “Steilacoom Dollar” as a marketing tool to stimulate […]
Smith talks of hiking adventures
Bart Smith, a Lakewood resident who has successfully hiked all 11 National Scenic Trails, captivated a large audience Tuesday evening at a Lakewood Historical Society program at the Lakewood Library. He spoke about his experiences as he showed hundreds of photos from his treks around the United States. Smith hiked thousands of miles over a […]
Spring is here
It is still a tad bit too early to ‘stop and smell the roses’ but it is impossible to miss the signs of spring, which abound all around University Place including long stretches of daffodil patches along Cirque Drive. Not only is spring here, but Easter is just around the corner. Notably, just around the […]