A story from Pierce County Executive, Bruce Dammeier. It’s been said that “teamwork makes the dream work.” Unless you are Bruce Wagner, you probably never dream about roads, but I wouldn’t blame him if he did! Summertime means lots of things – kids out of school, time spent relaxing at beaches and in the water, […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator August 13 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s August 13 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Lakewood City Manager Aug. 13 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) Aug. 13 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Sunnyside Beach Closed to Water Recreation Activities
A press release from Town of Steilacoom. Sunnyside Beach remains closed to water related recreational activities due to sewer line break in the City of Lakewood on July 20, 2021. Up to 450,000 gallons of raw sewage escaped the Pierce County sewer system, flowed into Flett Creek which flows into Leech Creek which flows into […]
That’s a lot of poop
“The pipes (on Steilacoom Blvd between Lakewood Dr. and Bridgeport) are carrying 3 million gallons of sewage per day as bypass for the collapsed main beneath Steilacoom Blvd,” wrote City of Lakewood’s Jim Kopriva. The above answer from Jim came as a result of my forwarding an email from a Suburban Times reader who asked […]
Any Bullet Will Do – Film Review
The hatreds and mistrusts of the Civil War days are still with us, so why not 11 years after the bloodiest conflict America has ever seen? Basically, we have vengeance of brother vs. brother transferred from the old plantation of dirty deeds to the Big Sky Country of Montana just eleven years after the war. […]
Across the Fence: What Keeps Us Going
What makes us do what we are doing, apart from maybe earning money by doing it? Why are people creative? Why do we plant gardens? Why do we learn languages, exercise, acquire skills? Why do we try to get to know about topics, to understand things? I have been pondering a lot these past months […]
Thai breakfast, Thai favorites on menu at new Stadium Thai in Tacoma
Amara Shafer has always wondered why Thai restaurants in Tacoma don’t regularly serve Thai breakfast. “In Thailand, we have morning markets. You’ll see that everywhere, people go to the market in the morning. We have dishes that are something like phad Thai. You’ll see porridge, something like congee, and rice soups. People buy their food […]
Lakewood seeks to fill one Planning Commission vacancy
A press release from City of Lakewood. The Lakewood City Council is currently seeking volunteers to fill one vacancy on the Planning Commission. This vacancy will fill an unexpired term through December 15, 2023. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The role of the Planning Commission is to assist the City Council in the following areas: Planning […]