A press release from City of DuPont. The City of DuPont Council Workshop scheduled for Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm, has been canceled.
Lakewold Gardens seeks Customer Service Assistant
Lakewold Gardens is looking for someone to fill a part-time Customer Service Assistant position, click here to download the full job description including required qualifications. Sound like the perfect job for you? E-mail us a resume and cover-letter to: khayner@lakewoldgardens.org
Washington State Redistricting Commission sets timeline for the rest of the redistricting process
A press release from Washington State Redistricting Commission. With the 2020 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary Files from the U.S. Census Bureau now in hand, the Washington State Redistricting Commission (WSRC) met on Monday, August 16 and agreed to a schedule of important dates and deadlines that will lead to the delivery of final legislative and congressional district […]
15-day closure of Port of Tacoma Road on-ramp to southbound I-5 starts Aug. 23
A press release from Washington State DOT. TACOMA – An upcoming extended closure of the Port of Tacoma Road on-ramp to southbound Interstate 5 means travelers will need to plan for increased travel times. Construction crews building the I-5 Portland Avenue to Port of Tacoma Road Southbound HOV project will close the Port of Tacoma Road on-ramp […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed August 19
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On Aug. 19, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for July 28-Aug. 10 is 487.0. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 9.2 per 100,000. Today, we confirmed 291 COVID-19 cases and 1 […]
Obituary Notices – August 20, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Vladimir Vladica; Linda Jensine Falk; James Edward Novak; Eugene Scot Crawford. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Ruth Mary Nedved. Hill Funeral Home: Debbie L Carlson.
Western Pond Turtles return to Lakewood
A news story from Office of Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen. Last Friday, I participated in an event organized by the Woodland Park Zoo and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as they released over 30 young Western Pond Turtles into the pond and wetland found at the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area. If you […]
Right HERE, Right Now: Homelessness Ends with Racial Equity
A press release from Associated Ministries of Tacoma. TACOMA, WA – On Aug 19. at The Evergreen State College in Tacoma, a multiracial movement was formally launched that brings together people with lived experience of homelessness, grassroots leaders, advocates, elected officials throughout Pierce County, local nonprofit community-based organizations, and philanthropy to ensure every resident in […]
Vet Clinic, Aug ’21
What are your feelings as the Taliban reclaim Afghanistan after 20 years of US involvement? Mobile Apps – PTSD: National Center for PTSD VA Secretary appoints new Veterans Law Judges to adjudicate more appeals for Veterans VA announces new options to help Veterans avoid foreclosure Patriot Boot Camp Partners with Berkeley College to help the […]