Story & Photo – Joseph BoyleAt my age, any time I get to see something I have never seen before, I get excited. So there I was heading into the LRI Recycle Dump located at 10308 Sales Road South, Tacoma, Washington, 98499 with 1600 pounds of ice-storm branches and brush. What could be more boring […]
To Know
Westside Story – City Solution for Dukes of Hazard
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Do you remember my May 23, 2011 story and photos titled Westside Story – Dukes of Hazard? The story provided a description of the aftermath of one more reckless driver racing down Gravelly Lake Drive SW. As she sped southbound down on Gravelly Lake Drive SW, which is a […]
Westside Story – Mail Masters
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle Back in about 1989, an enterprising entrepreneur opened a new Lakewood business called Mail Masters, located at 8103 Steilacoom Boulevard SW, Lakewood, Washington 98498. Mail Masters featured mailbox rentals, mail service and package processing along with some general merchandise. It was about 1998 when Bobby Williams, only 22 years […]
Westside Story – Father Winter
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle Our recent winter storm carried with it the potential for a huge impact on all of us, both positive and negative. To emphasize the positive, I have attached several photos, with captions. I find the photographs to be interesting. I hope you do too.
Westside Story – Lakewood Historical Marker
Story & Photos – Joseph Boyle When you wiz through the intersection of Custer Road W and Bridgeport Way W, have you ever noticed the Lakewood Historical marker on the corner, at the Union 76 Gas Station? A bronze marker is mounted on a large piece of granite to commemorate the original location of the […]
Letter: ‘Stop the train’
By David Anderson, Tillicum The signature drive to stop High Speed Rail (HSR) through Lakewood continues to March 2. Two 2’x4’ banners have been created for the signature gathering sites (Post Office, Library and Safeway). Volunteers will be coordinated via All materials will be made available which also can be found here.
Westside Story – Moon Rise Café Grand Re-Opening
Friday morning I got the call we have all have been waiting for. Our favorite Mountain Woman, Christine Curren, told me she and her Moon Rise Cafe crew; working night and day, were going to have their Grand Re-Opening on this coming, Monday, January 16, 2012 which is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. They […]
Westside Story – Moon Rise Café Drive-Through
Story & Photo – Joseph Boyle This morning on my way to work, I was just turning off Main Street into Starbucks when I spotted the ambulance transporting an elderly gentleman to the hospital. Our favorite Moon Rise Café, located at 6020 Main Street SW inside the Lakewood Towne Center, had just experienced some bad […]
Letter: Us vs. Them
By David Anderson, Tillicum Now that Tillicum’s Camp Murray Gate debacle has been voted overwhelmingly the top West Pierce news story (in The News Tribune) for 2011, it’s time to reflect on what this means.