A press release from Sound Transit. Nighttime road closure of 5th Street Northwest between 2nd Avenue Northwest and West Stewart Avenue to install new utilities and continue buildout of the pedestrian bridge. When Road closures are expected from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. on the following dates: Monday 8/16 through Thursday 8/19 Monday 8/23 through […]
To Know
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed August 12
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On August 12, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for July 21- August 3 is 329.5. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 7.5 per 100,000. Today we confirmed 272 COVID-19 cases and […]
Obituary Notices – August 13, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Kui Im Lee. Mountain View Funeral Home: Alfred Estabrook; Henry Paul Knaack; Aukusotino Lalotavai Niu; Hilda Isabel Redding. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Franklin Silva. Powers Funeral Home: Martha Josephine McCullough; Michael Perzel Jr.; Duane Allen Cash. Hill Funeral Home: Clint E Graham; John William Holderman; Willmath Louise Anderson. Week’s Dryer Mortuary: Gary […]
Burn Ban – Red Flag Event
A press release from Town of Steilacoom. All outdoor burning including recreational and cooking fires (except a gas grill) during this Red Flag Event is prohibited until the Red Flag Event is over as determined by the National Weather Service. See the Pierce County Fire Marshal’s website at https://www.piercecountywa.gov/982/Outdoor-Burning for additional information.
Joint Statement from Local Health Officers Regarding Need for Masks in Indoor Public Spaces
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. The health officers representing all 35 local health jurisdictions in Washington state have joined together to pass on their best public health advice to protect you, your family, and our communities. We recommend all residents wear facial coverings when in indoor public settings where the vaccination status […]
Curb and gutter work on Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 19th St. to S. 16th St. and on Stadium Way south of Division Avenue
A press release from Sound Transit. After crews complete the curb and gutter work on the east side of Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 16th St. to S. 13th St. (on Aug. 12), they will start installing curb and gutter on the west side of MLK Jr. Way from S. 19th St. to […]
Strickland Releases New Report Detailing Health Care Marketplace Savings from American Rescue Plan
A press release from Office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland. Ahead of the August 15th deadline to sign up for expanded health care savings, Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) released a report outlining new tax credit benefits available to residents of Washington’s 10th Congressional District as a result of the American Rescue Plan. WA-10 residents can enroll in or […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed August 11
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On August 11, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for July 20- August 2 is 307.3. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 7.2 per 100,000. Today we confirmed 273 COVID-19 cases and […]
Obituary Notices – August 12, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Yong Hui Kim; Sung Soo Song; John David Hedberg. Mountain View Funeral Home: Andre Davis; Terrye D. Escalante; Alane “Laine” Ferrell; Joe Meade Ghilarducci; Carlos A. Ramos; Sharon Ruth Smith; Steven Michael Thorne.