Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. The acclaimed video series “The Band of Brothers” follows members of Easy Company in the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment from their initial training in Georgia to their end of World War II at Berchtesgaden – home of Hitler’s mountainside retreat. The second episode, entitled “Day of Days,” depicts their night […]
It sucks!
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. We have a new addition to the team, and I’m delighted to introduce you to Vacsquatch – one of the most unique “employees” at the County. You may remember we just finished a public truck naming process and Vacsquatch was the winner by a landslide! As with all our Planning […]
Celebrating leaders
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. I strongly believe in developing, promoting, and celebrating leadership. I attended the U.S. Naval Academy where leadership is foundational to every other subject or program. Our County Leadership Certification program is our effort to promote and develop a culture of leadership in Pierce County. I appreciate other organizations that value […]
Reaching out and responding
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. Even though our employee turnover rate is significantly lower than most governments (0.9% per month v. 1.6% average for state and local governments), our amazing Human Resources (HR) team conducted 848 recruitments last year! That included screening more than 20,000 job applications! In the past, we used to post job opportunities on […]
Hats off to CAP!
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. May is Community Action Programs (CAP) month around the U.S. and our team in Human Services deserves our appreciation for the important work they do serving our residents. Pierce County’s CAP helps residents with early childhood education, energy assistance, rental assistance, home repairs, home weatherization and more. These are some […]
A steaming pile
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. Our colleagues in Planning & Public Works do a great job managing solid waste. And they just made a change that is a real win-win! Now, anywhere in Pierce County, your food waste can be added to your yard waste bin (Or does your family call it a “cart”?) for […]
Moving Day
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. When I served in the Navy, our family moved frequently! Four interstate moves in eight years, which is about average for military families. My wife loved it for many reasons, especially the chance to purge our unused and unneeded stuff that always seems to accumulate. Moving not only kept us […]
The next generation
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. This week I delivered my annual State of the County (SOTC) Address, both to people attending in person and virtually online, for the 7th and final time. I always enjoy talking about the work we do to serve our residents, but this one hit a little differently. I focused on […]
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. Next week I’ll be delivering my annual State of the County Address. I’m excited to talk about the work all of you do to serve the people of Pierce County – especially our youngest residents. As a reminder, you can join us virtually next Wednesday at noon at this link. At […]