Steilacoom Historical Museum Association announcement.
Michael Farley, local habitat expert and historian of all things apple, will be giving an encore presentation of his talk on DuPont’s Heirloom Orchard in Steilacoom on Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 2:00. This will be a free event, held in the Education Room of the Steilacoom Historical Museum at the corner of Rainier and Main Streets at 1801 Rainier Street. Come to the lower entrance to the museum at the back of the building.
Michael will be doing his first presentation on Sunday, March 23 at the DuPont Historical Museum at 2:00
Learn about the fascinating history of the old Dupont Orchard which was near Fort Nisqually, and its heirloom trees. Steilacoom also has an heirloom orchard planted by pioneer Nathaniel Orr adjacent to his home which is on the National Historical Register of Historic Places. Take a stroll through our orchard to view old varieties of fruit trees and see some newer planting of old varieties.
If you have questions please call the Steilacoom Historical Museum at 253-584-4133 and leave a message.
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