“Would you like your hand back?”
Everywhere we go, to the car, to the store, hiking a trail, or sitting on a park bench, my hand is in hers and thus hers in mine.
And once every week we go treasure hunting, to the mountains, to the sea, and near waterfalls we find tiny flowers, even heart-shaped mudpuddles left from recent rain. All become delightful discoveries and fun entries into our scrapbook.
“No. You can have it. I made a promise that if I had this opportunity again, one more chance at love, I would not only give you my hand in marriage, but I would also never take it back. You can keep it.”
The French have a proverb, ‘Bonne renommée vaut mieux que ceinture dorée.’ Translated it means, “a good name is the best of all treasures.”
Not a fun outing, not an extravagant dinner or cruise, but a good name.
Like ‘husband.’ Like ‘wife.’ Like ‘together.’
Where holding hands, wherever we are, is to have found, and to be, the best treasure of all.
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