TACOMA, Wash – On February 25, the Tacoma City Council adopted Resolution 41627 and Substitute Resolution 41628.
Resolution 41627 aligns City policy with Washington state law – specifically RCW 43.17.425(1) – which restricts state agencies, including law enforcement, from using agency funds, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to investigate, enforce, cooperate with, or assist in the investigation or enforcement of any federal registration or surveillance programs or any other laws, rules, or policies that target Washington residents solely on the basis of race, religion, immigration, or citizenship status, or national or ethnic origin, excluding the collection, use, or disclosure of information that is required to comply with state or federal law, or in response to a lawfully issued court order.
“The City of Tacoma believes in inclusivity, tolerance, and compassion for all residents. The diversity of our people and cultures is a critical part of who we are as a city,” said District 4 Council Member Sadalge, who brought Resolution 41627 forward in partnership with his Council colleagues. “After extensive outreach to impacted communities, I decided to bring forward this resolution to set a policy consistent with state law. Now is a critical time to make this policy statement. This resolution is a clear directive to current and future City Managers on where the City stands on this issue. By passing this resolution, the Tacoma City Council makes clear our belief that everyone has the right to live peacefully and without fear, and we condemn the persecution of many others around the world who face extreme barriers and inequitable treatment on account of their race, religion, immigration or citizenship status, or national or ethnic origin, and other intrinsic identities.”
Substitute Resolution 41628 affirms and reaffirms the City’s commitment to supporting all individuals regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, so that they feel safe and supported; its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and justice, fostering an environment where all members of our community can live authentically and without fear of discrimination or harm; its commitment to celebrating the racial, cultural, and socioeconomic diversity within Tacoma’s LGBTQIA2S+ community and protecting the civil rights of Tacoma’s LGBTQIA2S+ community.
“Tacoma stands up for the rights of our transgender community, especially our transgender youth, as they are under direct attack and erasure by the federal government. I am thankful to live in a community that welcomes and celebrates our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and two-spirit community,” said At-Large Council Member Diaz, who brought Substitute Resolution 41628 forward in partnership with her Council colleagues. “The policy we set builds on decades of work, including work at the state to adopt Washington’s Law Against Discrimination, and one of my first policies here at the City to protect access to health care facilities for those seeking gender affirming care. We all know that despite our city and state’s leadership, LGBTQIA2S+ individuals face ongoing discrimination, violence, and systemic barriers that threaten their safety, well-being, and human rights. It is critical that we as a Council take action at this moment in history. By passing this resolution, the City of Tacoma says, in no uncertain terms, ‘We are committed to fostering a community where all individuals are treated with dignity, equity, and respect, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.’”
Community members with questions about Resolution 41627 or Substitute Resolution 41628 can contact Senior Council Policy Analyst Lynda Foster at lfoster@cityoftacoma.org or (253) 591-5166.
Thank you! It means a lot to be able to live and an area of our country where people can still treat others as fellow human beings. I used to be proud to be an American, however that is no longer possible.
What about federal law? Nullify federal law at your peril, you are playing with fire! How did the city of my birth become lawless, I think illegal immigrants and communist carpet baggers! I will enjoy watching you scream when federal funds are cut, democrat front ngo’s are cut, Tacoma doesn’t deserve any federal money, we don’t deserve Joint base Lewis McChord! We are a lawless kakistocracy, our future is very bleak!
As tax-paying business and property owners in Tacoma, we have suffered greatly over the past decade or so, as respect and appreciation for what we do has been shifted to a far-left extreme of the cultural spectrum.
As one now exits I-5 at the City Center exit, and descends into Tacoma, it feels like a third world country with graffiti growing higher and longer by the day.
Drug addicts lay about the sidewalks, contorted and mumbling incoherently, with their random belongings scattered around them.
There is an overwhelming projection of contempt by “them”, for those who are not like “them”.
“Them” breaks into our properties and steals.
“Them” burns our properties out of spite.
“Them” vandalizes our properties and intimidates would-be customers who just want to patronize our businesses.
“Them” demands that we reach into our pockets and give them the contents, uncaring of what we had to do to earn it.
A minority in Tacoma calls itself inclusive.
I beg the differ.
As we business and property-owners cater to every human being who is acting decently and within the bounds of the law – the real law, we are accused by this minority of being the bad guys.
I don’t know where the money came from to build such a hateful coalition against us, but such things are being aggressively investigated as of late.
Maybe some day soon we can get some of that respect as well
Making a state or municipal “law” such that it makes it “illegal to cooperate” with a federal law applying to a segment of duty that is constitutionally adjudicated to the federal government and their laws, is either nullifying the law on a state level or a law that requires law enforcement to interfere with or obstruction of the rightful jurisdiction of the federal government or even perhaps sedition.
The collective states have ZERO constitutional jurisdiction as it relates to federal immigration. None. Interfering with by not cooperating with federal law in such cases is unconstitutional and the Federal AG will deal with such jurisdictions
As law abiding and tax paying citizens and business owners in WA we have no representation at any level of state government. The Washington Democratic Party is racist, elitist and socialist. Those words seem shocking but read that proposed law and all 3 accusations are written about in detail. The people who make this state work, people of all colors, economic classes, genders(the 2 real ones) and country of origin are being treated with no regard for their safety or well being. Living in WA, OR or CA is like it must of been living behind the Iron Curtain or Berlin Wall. The Democrats see how they were soundly rejected across our great nation but keep making themselves the enemy of all the honest, law abiding, tax paying citizens of our once great state. It’s been one party rule and they have ruled us into one of the worst places to live in America in 2025
Talk about arrogance and virtue signaling – both at the State and City (Tacoma) level.
Hope both jurisdictions have lots of reserve cash on hand to deal with the law suits coming their way. Oh wait – you won’t have much money w/ the loss of Federal Funds and the state has a big budget deficit. Try taxing your way out of this hole.
Wasting federal funds and tax payers money for lawsuits from Gov Ferguson to defy laws about sending illegals back to home country to await proper documentation for entry to USA legally???
Illegal is illegal even if you’re waiting for assulm. I think if you agree to support illegals, then you need to pay for their food, housing , medical, schooling of children,
For years while waiting, from your own private funds .
Funding of Illegals needs to be solely the responsibility of those who want to help them. Not a blanket fund , that expects everyone to pay for others , even if they are unfortunate circumstances.
Please ask Canada , Saudi Arabia, UAE , or Europe to donate funds to America’s illegals instead .
Personally I like people, gay , straight, LGBT,
They are just human beings. But , please stop placing biological males on women’s sports teams. If WA gov cannot stop this , then please change to all sports teams are required to be co Ed. All teams of all sports need to become co Ed , mixed of males and females, otherwise it’s just sports with men , on the woman’s teams . This is unfair to all females. Please place females on mens teams , if they feel more comfortable as a male . Regardless of equal skills .
Stop forcing regular tax payers , who don’t agree with funding of others who did not go through proper channels or have approved paperwork from the government to live here in USA.
Rules are rules , not we just are going to ignore the rules.