Submitted by Dr. Elizabeth and Dan Telford.

Given the rise in opioid-related deaths locally in recent years, it is increasingly important to address the underlying causes of this issue to safeguard the health and safety of our residents.
Washington has faced ongoing challenges with this public health crisis, which continues to have a profound impact on communities across the region. Between 2007 and 2021, a total of 17,502 Washingtonians lost their lives due to drug overdoses, highlighting the severity and persistence of this issue.
We need policymakers to push for legislation that promotes treatment options for opioid addiction that are scientifically backed up and proven to be effective. One way to do so is by advocating for the implementation of opioid treatment programs (OTPs) across Washington state. These programs are successful because they combine counseling and therapy with the provision of prescription medications such as methadone and buprenorphine. According to a recent study, individuals attempting to recover from opioid addiction without the use of medications face a significantly higher risk of overdose and death compared to those who do not pursue any form of treatment.
By combining both individualized counseling and scientifically approved medication, I am hopeful treatment centers may hold the key to impacting the terrible opioid epidemic we are facing here in Washington. Thanks for taking the time to read this information.
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