Submitted by Steilacoom Historical Community Garden.

The Steilacoom Historical Community Garden at 2402 B Street in Cherrydale Park is kicking off the 2025 gardening season on March 1 with a Work Party, 9 a.m. to noon. Light refreshments will be provided.
During that time, gardeners and volunteers will prepare the garden’s 30 raised beds for planting; wheelbarrow donated soil and gravel to beds and pathways; and perform repairs and maintenance to the garden’s common areas, such as raking, mowing and weeding.
The SHCG is open for gardening activities from March 1 to November 1. All raised beds are reserved, with priority going to applicants who live or work in Steilacoom. A waiting list is maintained.
The garden offers gardeners the use of free seeds, tools, fertilizer, automatic dripline irrigation, and expert gardening advice from two Pierce County Master Gardener mentors.
For security reasons, the garden is locked when no gardeners or volunteers are on the site – but gates are open and the public is welcome to enter to enjoy the garden when gardeners or volunteers are present.

In 2024, SHCG gardeners grew and gave more than a quarter ton of organic produce to the We Love Steilacoom Association’s food bank, with a goal to exceed that achievement this year.
The SHCG welcomes new volunteers to help with food bank donation, garden maintenance, hospitality, and Settlers Heirloom Kitchen Garden.
Monetary or in-kind gifts to the garden are tax deductible under IRS 170 (c) (1). SHCG donors so far this year include Garden Patrons Uline, Lakewood Hardware and Garrette Custom Homes; Walrath Landscape Supply; Wilco Farm Store; The Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants; Portland Avenue Nursery; Peaceful Valley Farm Supply; and Fernwood Springs Farm.
For information on how to join, volunteer or donate, please contact the garden coordinator; visit the SHCG web page; access the SHCG Facebook group.
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