Submitted by Alan Billingsley.
100 years ago in March of 1925, Scout troop 53 was formed by a number of prominent Lakewood citizens. Among them was Norton Clap, owner and designer of Lakewood Colonial plaza and long time scout supporter.
Dedicated to serving our local youth, the Scouting program thrives today with the inclusion of boys and girls in the program. Founded on the 12 points of the Scout Law: Trustworthy, Loyalty, Helpfulness, Courtesy, Kindness, Obedience, Cheerfulness, Bravery, Cleanliness and Reverence, Scouts continue to learn leadership and community service skills that they will carry forward their entire lives.
A centennial celebration is planned for Saturday March 15, 1 PM at Thomas Middle School located at 11509 Holden Road. Open to the public, we are inviting anyone that has ever had anything to do with this remarkable program to join us for the celebration. Simply show up and pass the word to others that have had their lives shaped by one of Lakewood’s oldest youth program.
For more information contact Carla Richards at or 253-318-4645.
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