I’m sure you’ve heard many names for Canyon Road, such as “Canyon Road Speedway” or “Death Trap Canyon Road.” We receive high call volumes of complaints for dangerous driving on Canyon Road on a regular basis, and these dangerous habits need to stop. The Pierce County Sheriff’s Office has teamed up with surrounding agencies to crack down on the high-risk driving behaviors we are experiencing on Canyon Road. In one week of heavy enforcement, our officers provided 124 traffic infractions, 40 verbal warnings, and several types of arrests ranging from DUIs, driving while license is suspended, and non-compliant drivers. A huge shout out to Gig Harbor PD, Lakewood PD, Bonney Lake PD, Puyallup PD, and Tacoma PD for accepting our invitation to help us with the Canyon Road emphasis. Please spread the word; these emphases will continue for as long as we need!
The post Canyon Road Crackdown first appeared on Pierce County Sheriff’s Office Blotter.