New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Richard “Dick” Overman.
Mountain View Funeral Home: Matthew K. Bodhaine; Norma Jean Larsen (Gross); Virginia Rutledge; Thomas Spiller.
Scott Funeral Home: Kunti Fijian; James Ellerbee Jr.; Tyronda “Ty” Bermudez.
Scanlin Cremation & Burial: Olivia C (Zorman) Herring.
Richard Overman was my religion teacher at the University of Puget Sound decades and decades ago. Although I know him from my wife’s PEO group I still recall a simple discussion of Dr Orverman who asked if I believed in god and so forth. We were just walking across campus. He got me to nod that believing in god would make it better for most people in the world. He was a quiet man who could easily discuss and accept differences of opinion. Every time he visited our home I felt an ease and enjoyed seeing him. Like others, I will miss him.
We had many dinners on our deck looking out over Puget Sound. There was nothing exciting about comments and it was just friendly discussion and how we liked telling tales and sharing.