After many years of volunteering their time and talents, Economic Development Advisory Commission (EDAC) members Ron Kent and Rick Larson completed their terms of service this month.
Kent began his service as a member of the EDAC in 2011 and was a key contributor and valued adviser to the City Council on a number of City planning efforts, including the Regional Growth Center Subarea Plan, the 27th Street Business District Plan and the Wayfinding Signage Plan. During a portion of his tenure, Kent also served as the EDAC’s liaison to the Planning Commission.
Like Kent, Rick Larson began his EDAC service in 2011. He was instrumental in contributing his insights to the City’s Housing Action Plan as the EDAC’s representative to that project’s Advisory Committee. As a long-time University Place businessman, Larson provided the EDAC with valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges faced by local businesses.
Many thanks to both men for their contributions for the last 14 years. Check February’s issue of Talking UP to learn more about the newest members of the EDAC.