TACOMA, Wash. – Tacoma Creates is now accepting applications for its sixth year of funding, supporting programs and events to be presented between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026 by non-profit organizations whose primary purpose is to advance and/or preserve arts, culture, heritage, and/or science. There are two funding categories – Comprehensive Organizational Support funding and Impact funding. Funding is determined through a competitive application process.
“The cultural sector that helps define Tacoma is so impressive and vibrant, and Tacoma Creates funding is helping this sector grow and evolve in exciting ways,” said Mayor Victoria Woodards. “We are able to support cultural organizations, small and large, and across this spectrum we have such a diversity of programming and events to engage and enrich our community.”
“Our community’s investment in the cultural sector is connected to so many positive outcomes for our community,” said Tacoma Creates Advisory Board Chair Katie Mattran. “The expansion of youth education programs, the growth in partnerships with Tacoma Public Library and Tacoma Public Schools, and the employment for artists and other creative workers are just a few of the benefits of Tacoma Creates funding.”
Comprehensive Organizational Support Funding
Organizations that apply for Comprehensive Organizational Support funding may request up to 15 percent of their total annual budget, based on the three-year average of their actual income, up to a maximum of $400,000 per year. Applicants in this category must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Tacoma and provide a wide range of ongoing cultural programs, including programming available to the general public, as well as youth education programs. The deadline to apply for Comprehensive Organizational Support is 11:59 PM on March 10, 2025.
Impact Funding
Organizations that apply for Impact funding may request a minimum of $3,000 and up to $60,000 for a single program or multiple programs. Impact funding can support general public programs and/or youth education programs. Organizations in this category may be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization or may apply with an eligible fiscal sponsor. Business District Associations and Neighborhood Councils recognized by the City of Tacoma, Affiliate Cultural Organizations within a larger non-profit, and organizations that are based in Pierce County but whose primary work happens in Tacoma may also be eligible. There are two levels of funding:
- Level A: for organizations requesting a minimum of $3,000 but less than $20,000, or for organizations onlyproposing Beyond the Bell / Club B or Summer Late Nights classes
- Level B: for organizations requesting between $20,000 and $60,000
The deadline to apply for Impact funding is 11:59 PM on March 24, 2025.
Application Information
Detailed eligibility criteria, application guidelines, and access to the online application form are available on the Tacoma Creates website.
Application Support
Prospective applicants are encouraged to attend a free workshop explaining the application process and how to develop a strong proposal. There will be one workshop on Zoom and two workshops in person. Dates and locations are available online, along with information about how to schedule individual meetings with staff and other resources to support the application process.