On January 14, our deputies received a call from a residence stating they heard a loud “smash” and someone walking around in their garage. They were hiding in the home and fearful the unknown suspect would get into the house. Deputies arrived within a few minutes and could also hear someone in the garage. They made announcements and opened the garage door to find a male digging around. They recognized he was not following directions and one of our deputies began speaking Spanish. The suspect then began following directions. Deputies detained the male suspect and later found a screwdriver and bolt cutters on his person. The resident was contacted and confirmed they did not know the suspect or how he got into the garage. Our transport deputy took the male to the Pierce County Jail where he was booked for 1 count of Residential Burglary. Everyone deserves to be safe in their own home. Great job to the homeowner who didn’t hesitate to call 911 and outstanding job to the deputy who recognized Spanish was needed.
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