A Short Story…

For once, Gary was thinking about life. He had tried out a couple of brand new hot cars that he fit right in. He was thinking and considering. His long-time partners had long called him “red” or “Red Eye.” His eyes were actually brown, but in the right light they seemed to change. He had used that affect a number of times with both clients and wannabe partners as well as people he didn’t care much about and just wanted to harass.
He looked at his current schedule, which he had nearly forgotten. Coming up was a meeting with a doctor that had been recommended by his attorney as “sharp as a tack.” He just sat and looked at it before realizing this was something he was supposed to be attending and listening to . . . like soon. He checked his schedule. Next up was “Penile Diseases & Disorders: Causes & Treatments.” He stopped cold and thought “Did I miss something about reality?”
He went into his bathroom and dropped his drawers and whispered to himself, “This couldn’t be something affecting me could it?” He looked down at his own equipment and shrugged his shoulders. and said, “Looks okay to me!” He got on the phone and called his doctor. His doctor didn’t really assure him when the doctor said, “Our bodies only last so long. What do you think? Gary was taken aback about the reality of the situation. The doctor followed up the meeting with a suggestion of family members gathering to discuss upcoming details and the realities of getting older. Gary remarked, “This is not something I want to discuss.” The doctor shook his head and said, exactly. That’s why some people die earlier than others. It’s called dis-belief.
Excellent message, Don! We need to have these tough conversations with our kids and friends!