TACOMA, Wash. – On February 4, 2025, the Tacoma City Council will conduct a public hearing on the potential extension of a moratorium concerning certain high-impact uses within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District (STGPD). The hearing will be conducted during the City Council meeting, upon completion of the regular agenda items, no earlier than 5:15 PM. City Council meetings are conducted in a hybrid format with in-person and virtual options to attend. Meeting details are available at cityoftacoma.org/stgpd.
In March 2023, the City Council had adopted a moratorium to temporarily prohibit the establishment or expansion of underground storage tanks and metal recycling / auto wrecking facilities within the STGPD while the City and its partners work on the STGPD code update, which is projected to be completed in 2025. The moratorium has been extended twice, in March and August of 2024, and is set to expire on March 20, 2025. The proposed six-month moratorium extension would continue to prohibit the establishment or expansion of certain high-impact uses within the STGPD, until the code amendment process has been completed.
Community members can submit written comments by emailing them to cityclerk@cityoftacoma.org or mailing them to 733 Market Street, Room 11, Tacoma, WA 98402 by 5 PM on February 3, 2025.
More information about the proposed moratorium extension on certain high-impact uses within the STGPD is available at cityoftacoma.org/stgpd or by contacting Senior Planner Maryam Moeinian at mmoeinian@cityoftacoma.org or (253) 532-1446.