A Short Story…

George had maybe three days or three days and a half to entertain himself before starting back to classes at the University of Washington. So far he had touristy purchases in Arizona, but nothing of value. He was kinda on vacation and kinda searching for information and details of the past. He never expects to come back to the university with a golden prize of historical value, but each time he leaves and returns he has hopes. Right now he was just looking for a beautiful sunset with someone taking his photo so he could show his fellow teachers he was at least trying.
He wasn’t really on tribal land, but he saw a tiny restaurant offering good food with excellent prices. He passed an empty card table with an empty chair next to it and walked inside. The prices looked good, the air smelled good, and the prices were exceptional. “Well, it’s the end of the day, what do I have to loose? I ordered two tacos and sauces. I paid and stepped outside with my food. I sat down. I poured sauce on one taco and bit in to it. It didn’t burn my tong, but the sweat popped out across my forehead. I did the same thing to the other taco and got the same results. After wiping my lips and my forehead I went back inside and gave the cook a five dollar tip. I got a nice thank you from the woman behind the counter.
I half turned to leave and stepped back to ask. “Do you have any tribal people near with traditional objects for sale?” The cook nodded her head. I continued, “Where could I meet this person?” The cook pointed at the table outside. I responded, “Yes, I understand, but when and how can I meet?” The cook looked at me and shook her head and said, “Gringo” in perfect English, “That’s my table and this is my restaurant. I have some objects for sale depending upon the intelligence of the individuals. So far you are not doing really well, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
I laughed and said, “Sorry, you are not what I expected.” The woman laughed and said, ” We could jog or you could drive.” I laughed and said, “I’ll drive. I’m not much into walking in the Arizona Sun. My lady nodded her head and said “You’re right. I’m not big on walking in the Sun either. We hugged to seal the deal.”
Three hours later I had a number of traditional tribal blankets, food plates and various pieces of riding gear, and everything else in the house that could be picked up and made to fit in the backseat, the trunk, and the two of us up front. We held off sex, but hugged each other the entire night. She was a few years older than me, but neither of us cared. We kept trying to arrange a quick marriage via the tribe here in Arizona. We wanted it immediately, but if we put it off then perhaps we could involve the Puyallup Tribe then we could bring my students. In the end that’s what we’re trying for. We might make the Puyallup tribe pleased, we would make us happy, and my students would go crazy with joy . . . and perhaps get some extra credit.