Over the next 20 years, Pierce County’s population will grow, new technologies will change how and why people travel, and the funding to deliver robust transit service will continue to be a challenge. To address and prepare for all of these changes, Pierce Transit is drafting its Long Range Plan called Destination 2045. The public is invited to give input at various stages of creating, drafting and finalizing the Plan.
Following this summer’s robust public involvement phase with several virtual and in-person opportunities to engage, a first draft of the Long Range Plan is now open for comments until February 3. Feedback and suggestions gathered will be used to develop a second draft Long Range Plan document, to be released at the beginning of March 2025. The initial draft is available at PierceTransit.org/LongRangePlans.
About Pierce Transit:
Founded in 1979, Pierce Transit is a nationally recognized leader in the public transportation industry. The agency’s service covers 292 square miles of Pierce County with roughly 70 percent of the county population. Serving Washington’s second- most-populous county, Pierce Transit provides four types of service: traditional bus, SHUTTLE paratransit, on-demand Runner and Rideshare that help get passengers to jobs, school, appointments and other critical destinations.
For information on services provided by Pierce Transit, visit PierceTransit.org.