Ticket holders for the Olympia production were treated to a set of four carolers dressed in costumes from 1843, the year A Christmas Carol was written. Peg and I had seats in different rows. By the time the Carolers finished singing it looked like every seat in the house was taken.

For Terry Edward Moore (he/him) this was his fourth time in A Christmas Carol (2021/2022/2023 & 2024) at Harlequin. He is our favorite Scrooge and probably everyone’s favorite from Seattle to Olympia. He has performed in most of Seattle’s professional theatrers. Peg and I were so sorry to find out we missed his performance as Billy Bishop in “Billy Bishop goes to war.”
The actors at Harlequin were excellent, but our favorite image remains the bits of electronic artwork that provides snow, Big Ben, and the feeling of outdoor reality.
The Players:

Scott C. Brown has performed in numerous rolls at Harlequin. This December he played the Ghost of Christmas Past, but earlier this year he performed as the artist Mark Rothko in “Red” at Burien Actors Theatre (BAT). He was fantastic.

Heather Matthews played the part of The Ghost of Christmas Preset. In the past she has been outstanding in “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”, “Cabaret”, “Sweeny Tood”, and other excellent rolls.

After his roll in the outstanding production of “What the Constitution Means to Me” one of the most played productions in the USA Nathan Rice returned for the part of Bob Cratchit, his third time. He has played various parts at Harlequin and a number of parts at Lakewood Playhouse.
Teri Lee Thomas is delighted to have played atleast two characters in A Christmas Carol. This year we also saw her in Cabaret and Deathtrap. She has performed in numerous productons in the US as well as Washington. Last year she was The Ghost of Christmas Present.
Also on the rise from A Christmas Carol is Victoria Austin who played Mrs. Cratchit; Ejay Amor keeps popping up. We’ve seen him recently in Ten Acrobats at CenterStage in Federal Way and in An Inspector Calls at Dukes Bay in Tacoma.
Also apeearing at Harlequin is Larry “LJ” Bevan as Scrooge and Tiny Tim. Also playing Tiny Tim and Young Scrooge is Evan Grinnell-Holderman.
We saw Izumi Huff in “What the Constitution Means to Me” and she played Martha Cratchit and others in A Christmas Carol. Also playing Martha Cratchit and others is Cosette Yanasak. A Christmas Carol runs through December 24th.

The end of the play was met with happy faces and cheers. The players were exceptional and enjoyed playing the parts almost as much as the audience enjoyed watching them.
A Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens – It has been adapted and directed by Aaron Lamb.
Harlequin Productions is located at 202 4th Ave E, Olympia, WA 98501.