Members of the University Place community, including current and former City Council Members, were joined by personnel from JBLM for the annual Veterans Day remembrance event at Cirque Park.
Also in attendance were Rep. Mari Leavitt (WA-28), Elizabeth Grasher, Town of Steilacoom council member, and U.P. Scout Pack #148. Chaplain Major Brian Osborn of the 16th Combat Aviation Brigade provided an invocation for the ceremony that also included a playing of “Taps,” a laying of the wreath at the Veterans Plaza Wall and a rendition of “Amazing Grace” by Robert Wallace of the Clan Gordon Pipe Band.
Lt. Col. Megan Young, commander of the 2-158 Assault Helicopter Battalion at JBLM, offered brief remarks, as did U.P. Mayor Pro Tem Ed Wood. “As we lay the wreath today in front of our service flags, let us never forget that we enjoy the precious freedoms of this day thanks to the soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coasties and guardians of days past who protected this great nation with honor, dignity and dedication,” he said.