Submitted by Friends of the Steilacoom Library.
The Friends of the Steilacoom Library are delighted to present Dr. Robert Ettlinger and his popular program on the World of Cheese on Tuesday, November 19 at 5:30 P.M. in the Steilacoom Library meeting room, 2950 Steilacoom Blvd.
Dr. Ettlinger attended a Vermont cheesemaking school and is an experienced home cheesemaker. His fascinating presentation covers all aspects of cheese – the science, history, trivia and pop culture behind the product and the hows and whys of making it. Did cheese really play a part in a naval battle? What makes the blue veins in bleu cheese? Is cheese good for you? Back by popular request, this is an informative and fun program for all ages. Bring your curiosity and questions and join the Friends of Steilacoom Library for this free program.