Author Troy “The Madman of Scribe” Poppler from Minnesota works as an author, poet, and landscaper. He enjoyed writing as a child, but began writing seriously in January of 2024, when he started writing his memoir, The Midnight Crow. Currently he is looking into becoming a member of a writing group. When Troy isn’t writing, he likes playing guitar, surfing, hiking, and camping.
Which genres do you cover?
Troy Poppler: I write both fiction and non-fiction, including my two published works, my memoir, The Midnight Crow, which chronicles over thirty years of substance abuse, violence, tragedy, and redemption. My latest release is Crow Feathers: Poems from The Dark, a collection of dark poetry. I’m also working on a Horror/Crime Thriller trilogy series, entitled “The Crow Diaries” with book one, Moonbaby, due for release this winter.
Which is the latest book you have published, and what is it about?
Troy Poppler: Crow Feathers: Poems from The Dark was released just recently; it contains dark themed poems dealing with suicide, addiction, loss, mental illness, plus many Poe influenced macabre poems, all in a classic rhyme style.
At which book events can readers find you?
Troy Poppler: Book signings, and I’m also currently working on my upcoming podcast, The Madman’s Indie Author on Spotify, due to launch this fall.

Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Troy Poppler: Book signings. I love the interaction with my fans and enjoy answering all their wonderful questions. It’s always fun watching their eyes light up when they get their books personally signed; it truly warms my heart to know they’ve enjoyed my books. Because, in the end, without my fans I’m nothing.
Do(es) your book(s) have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Troy Poppler: Both my memoir and my book of dark poetry are grounded in themes of addiction, at least to a certain extent. I spent thirty plus years struggling with substance abuse and all the trials and tribulations that go with that lifestyle, but in the end, I found my salvation and got clean and sober. I hope to bring this message of hope to my readers so they understand that it’s never too late to make a change for the better. If I could do it, then there’s a good chance they can too. I rose from the depths of despair and addiction and found my true lucid, clean, and sober self. I finally have a life worth living, and I’m grateful for every moment I have. I don’t want to waste one second of it.
Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Troy Poppler: Edgar Allan Poe. As a child, I fell in love with all his works. He is, in my mind, the ultimate master of the macabre. My poetry is heavily influenced by my idol, i.e. the themes, rhyme style, and cadence. I hope to someday hit that level of greatness with my compositions.

Do you have any specific writing habits?
Troy Poppler: My mind is always racing, never silent, filled with tons of new poetry and story ideas. So, I am very strict about keeping a notepad or my phone with me at all times to jot down the constant barrage of ideas, etc.
What are you currently working on?
Troy Poppler: I’m working on another book of poetry, a collaborative effort with four incredibly gifted poets from around the world, with all proceeds going to charity. It will be titled We’re Poets and We Know It, and will be ready by next spring. As I stated above, I’m in the middle of the revisions for book one, Moonbaby, of my horror thriller trilogy entitled The Crow Diaries, which I hope to publish by the end of the year.
Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Troy Poppler: Holly by Stephen King, another one of my all-time favorite authors.
What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Troy Poppler: Write what you know, and write daily even if it’s just a sentence or two. Look around you, draw inspiration from sights, sounds, people; anything and everything can and often will suddenly inspire you if you just keep looking with an open mind. Always write the stories YOU’d like to hear; there’s a great chance others out there will want to read it. So never, ever give up.
You can find Troy Poppler’s books on Amazon.