They were the last two daisies of the beautiful bouquet that he had delivered from the local florist weeks ago to her door. Some of the tips of the petals were tinged with age. Once brightly greeting the day with their happy disposition, the sprightly and perky rays extending from the paling yellowed centers were bent and drooped a bit.
‘How like us,’ she smiled as she tenderly placed the two together in the jar by the window.
To find love again at their age when most find love only once.
To be called beautiful when, at least in her opinion, those were wrinkles, not crinkles that he found so delightful when she smiled, which was often.
Over 20,000 species of daisies and yet he saw in her the only flower, the only blossom, the only
silver-aged springtime that brought so much joy to his silvered, bewhiskered face.
They would not make headlines though they were unique.
Except to their small circle of family and friends, their love story would not be a greatest-hits issue.
But to the two of them, they believed – and purposed every day to live – as evidence that there are yet stories to be told of love and life.
Beautiful stories, like the beautiful blossoms in the jar by the window.
Thank you David for sharing another story in your heartfelt Daisy Story Series…all written so beautifully and full of the joy of a new love found in our silver haired and our silver bewhiskered years!!! Love that is found a second time in our lifetime can be just as beautiful and exciting as the first. The heart does not know age. Thankful we have been found and that we know that love again. These delightful stories are alway a joy to read!!!
All of your readers are waiting with anticipation for you books to be published!
Love is beautiful🌼