I don’t know about you, but I love our country. My Uncle Randall was wounded in Italy and my dad served on board oilers during World War Two providing the oil for ships fighting our opposition and delivering the soldiers to fight the enemy in the South Pacific. My mother’s younger brother fought in Korea and my mom worked at the Mount Rainier Ordinance Depot distributing war equipment. My wife Peg’s Uncle Father Frank fought his way up through Italy. I had relatives fight on each side of The Civil War. I had friends from Clover Park High School who’s fathers or other relatives left their Japanese families in west coast camps while they fought the Germans in WWII. I was a member of the Tacoma Jaycees in the 1970s when we welcomed returning soldiers from Vietnam. It wasn’t all sad, there were funny and interesting stories as well, but it is really important to understand that our country is worth learning more about.

“What the Constitution Means to Me” is a 2017 American play by Heidi Schreck. She created the play to pay for her college degree in Eastern Washington. The play premiered on Broadway on March 31, 2019 at the Hayes Theater, with Schreck herself in the leading role.
Here are some comments about the first productions:
“Endearingly funny and deeply affecting… It would be hard to identify a work for the theater with its finger more on the pulse of America right now.” – Peter Marks, The Washington Post
“Uproariously funny, wrenchingly moving, critically challenging and politically inspiring.” – David Cole, The New York Review of Books
“Schrek’s play is an illuminating examination of the Constitution as a living, breathing document—flawed, majestic and still kicking.”
Coming October 8th to November 3rd, Harlequin Productions, in Olympia, is featuring the play “What The Constitution Means To Me.”
Here is a video sample of what to expect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaMg4emOaT8
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We strive to define ourselves as a major American regional theatre, to be known nationally for high artistic values and expressive, enriching work, and to be a valuable member and leader of the South Puget Sound community in creating high quality work and encouraging positive change.
What the Constitution Means to Me by Heidi Schreck runs Oct 18 – Nov 3, 2024 at the State Theater in downtown Olympia, WA. Directed by Lauren Love. Publicity shoot and production scenic design by Bruce Haasl. Publicity shoot and production costume design by Melanie Ransom.

Staring Jenny Vaugh Hall as Heidi, and featuring local high school students.

Click here to buy tickets for “What the Constitution Means to me”.