Submitted by Nancy Henderson.

STEILACOOM – Thank you Theda Braddock, Ann Rodrigue, Breck Lebegue, Rick Clark, Rick Ash, and Mark Braegelmann for your good work removing reed canary grass (RCG) from the 5th St Waterway at the 19 Sep 2024 volunteer work party. It appears that all seed tufts were removed which should reduce the RCG spread. The remaining native small–fruited bulrush should have now more elbow room.
The work will continue on Tuesday 1 and Sunday 20 Oct from 9 to 11 am on both dates with a focus on remaining reed canary grass but also clearing blackberry vines from the banks of the waterway to make sufficient room for native plantings later this fall.
“Death by 1000 cuts” applies to Puget Sound, which has many water sources that enter it with water temperatures too warm from lack of shade. Our goal is to restore this part of the waterway with native plants to shade the waterway and improve the habitat for wildlife as part of the Town of Steilacoom’s Stormwater Management Plan.
Thank you, volunteers, for your appreciated stewardship!