Classical Tuesdays in Old Town Tacoma announcement.

20th Season in Old Town!
Classical Tuesdays in Old Town Tacoma announces our 20th season! Beginning September 24, 7pm, at Slavonian Hall, featuring our “Tacoma Tapestry 2024: Nordic Traditional Music and Dance”.
The internationally award-winning Swedish ensemble Klintetten is visiting the US and their first stop is in the Northwest. For three days, September 20-22, Klintetten are the guest artists of Seattle’s Skandia for their 75th year celebration, for which they will offer lessons in the traditional music and dance of Sweden.
However, their only performance is in Old Town Tacoma at Slavonian Hall, upstairs in the grand dance hall, at 7:00pm. All are invited, admission is free!
Where: Slavonian Hall, 2306 N 30th St, Old Town Tacoma
Date: September 24, 2024
Time: 7:00pm
Admission: FREE
A ramp is available for easier access to the 2nd floor performance level from the alley behind Slavonian Hall.