Experience a magical evening outdoor walking tour of Fort Nisqually, where candles and campfires illuminate the people and events of 1855. Candlelight Tour takes place on Friday and Saturday, October 4 and 5, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Advance tickets are required and available at fortnisqually.org. Admission ranges from $18 to $24.
Travel back in time to eavesdrop on the affairs of the Puget Sound in 1855. More than 100 historical interpreters bring to life the men, women and children of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Visitors will also be entertained by songs, dances and games. During the tours, these people from the past will not be aware of their ethereal 21st century visitors.
Walking tours are approximately an hour in length and begin every 15 minutes. The event is outdoors and visitors are transported to the tour via a short bus ride from Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.
For questions about accessibility requirements or for more information, call (253) 404-3970.
About the museum
Fort Nisqually Living History Museum, operated by Metro Parks Tacoma, is a restoration of the Hudson’s Bay Company outpost and headquarters of the Puget Sound Agricultural Company. Visitors travel back in time and experience life in Washington Territory during the 1850s. Nine buildings are open to the public, including the Granary and the Factors House, both National Historic Landmarks and a Visitor Center with Museum Store.