Sex, food, and money have long been reasons for joining a band playing either country or some retro rock and roll. This is a different kind of a production that begins with a band with a washboard with thimbles, two electric guitars, a base fiddle and an electric keyboard piano. We don’t know why, and we don’t care. We just had a ball watching and kept hoping we wouldn’t be dragged on to the stage. We were not alone. Someone else did and was she surprised!
The play is about, um, well we’re still not sure. it involves music, smalltime gangsters, big time gangster wannabees, food, sex or sexy something or other and a person dragged from the audience onto the stage. We howled and the rest of the audience howled along with us.

Actual Other Comments:
#1 – “One Man, Two Guvnors” is a play by Richard Bean, an English adaptation of Servant of Two Masters, a 1743 commedia dell’arte-style comedy play by the Italian playwright, Carlo Goldoni. The play replaces the Italian period setting of the original with Brighton in 1963.” Wikipedia
Don’s Cousin Lindy learned the comedia dell’arte style in Seattle at Empty Space (the first time she acted on a professional stage) where we got a chance to see it. She taught it for years to her students later at Wayne State University in Detroit.
Comment 2 – “One Man Two Guvnors is a witches’ brew of English pantomime, low-brow comedians and modernist British humor.”
Comment 3 – “This was the most entertaining production I have seen in a long time. I am still laughing, just remembering various scenes and pratfalls. I do not like physical comedy as a rule, but this was just so joyful and energetic, it won me over.”
Our own comment: Who cares what the play is about, it was just sooooooo goldarn funny.
One Man, Two Guvnors
September 6th – 22nd, 2024
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm
Sundays at 2:00pm
Pay What You Can: Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at 7:30pm
ASL Interpreted Performance: Sunday, September 22nd at 2:00pm
$29 Adults – $27 Students/Seniors/Military – $22 Children 12 & Under
Recommended for ages 12+
For tickets visit www.tacomalittletheatre.com or call 253.272.2281. Tacoma Little Theatre is located at 210 N I Street, Tacoma, WA 98403.