PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – At the Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees’ Wednesday, Sept. 11, 3:30 p.m., regular meeting, the Board will continue its discussion about funding, learn about a new draft strategic plan, hear about opening the interim Lakewood Pierce County Library, review policies, and address additional business.
The meeting will be held in person at the Pierce County Library Administrative Center at 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma. Optional virtual attendance is available via mypcls.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/.
At a study session in August, trustees discussed the Library System’s finances including the Levy Sustainability Fund. Library administrators created the fund and the Board of Trustees approved it, following voters passing a levy lid-lift in 2018. The levy lid-lift restored the Library’s funding to its full legal taxing level of 50 cents per every $1,000 on assessed property value. The Library System is almost entirely funded by taxes on property. The Board will continue its discussion about how to manage finances as costs to operate libraries will increase at a higher rate than revenues starting in 2025, and discussion will include whether to begin to use funds from the Levy Sustainability Fund next year.
Library administrators will talk about a draft of a new strategic plan to guide how the Library’s services will meet individual and community needs. The plan will be a roadmap to guide the Library System through the years ahead, from 2025-2029.
At the meeting, Library administrators will share progress to open the interim Lakewood Library. In August, staff began installing computer and technology equipment as well as stocking the library with books and materials. Library staff is eager to open the doors to the full service library and return a valued place in the community for all ages to learn, enjoy and gather.
Also, the Board will continue reviewing updates to policies. At the September meeting, the Board will discuss updates to the Library’s Borrowing Privileges policy, and the Board is expected to approve the Public Computer, Wi-Fi, and Internet Use policy.
For more information: https://mypcls.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/.