Vendor applications are now open for the 2nd Annual City of Destiny Festival! This event is a multi-faceted free community festival that will include info booths, free activities, food, and performances to be held at Edison Square. This year’s theme centers on the history of fashion and retail in Tacoma. The festival will highlight changes in fashion and consumer experience from 1880 to the 2000s. We are looking to educate visitors on antique/vintage clothing, cultural dress, sustainable fashion methods and local independent designers.
The event will be held on October 27th at Edison Square on South Tacoma Way from 11am to 3pm. Retail Booths are $75 and Non-Profit Booths are $50. Applications are due October 5th.
In addition to vendors, we are looking for local vintage clothing stores, clothing designers and cultural institutions that would be interested in sponsoring an outfit for one of the fashion shows. Sponsors would provide an outfit and model (if you cannot find a model, we will help to supply one) Sponsor names will be included in the program pamphlet and announced during the shows. We hope to have three fashion shows highlighting vintage fashion, cultural dress, and local independent designers.
For more information and application please email director@tacomahistory.org.