The Lakewood City Council is not expected to act Monday on a request to vacate a portion of 100th Street SW that runs into Lake Steilacoom.
The Planning and Public Works Department is recommending the City Council postpone its consideration of Ordinance No. 810 until its Sept. 16, 2024 regular meeting, or a meeting after that date.
The postponement is necessary to allow the applicants to submit a complete appraisal for the street end. Lakewood Municipal Code has specific requirements that must be met for the City Council to decide a street vacation request. When a street vacation occurs, the compensation received by the city must be fair market value or full appraisal value. This prevents the potential gifting of public funds.
A notification was sent to the applicant with this information, giving them time to submit the appraisal that adheres to the city’s requirements. The City Council will set a new meeting date for the ordinance. Once set, the information will be shared publicly.
It is a travesty. I requested information and I received it. City planner was very helpful. Applicants are out of their minds.
The value of this access is priceless. Any responsible authority would know that.
Gravelly lake residents bought their street end very quietly. Why is the status of the steilacoom lake street end being treated to a different standard?
Yeah, the Gravelly Lake street ends are still public property. The city has never vacated land on Gravelly.