Submitted by Bob Warfield.

Larry Saunders served our country and our city with distinction, retiring from the Army to organize Lakewood’s Police Department, as our first Chief. Home from Iraq, after returning to Army service to establish the National Police College in Baghdad, Larry honored Lakewood with tireless community service benefiting our Boys & Girls Club, our two Rotary Clubs, local veterans and neighborhood associations, and the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund (LCFF). Larry was a ray of light, touching the lives of everyone he knew with inspired civic pride. We were stunned when he died one morning in January, 2016.
To honor Larry, the City of Lakewood in partnership with the LCFF created an award to recognize exemplary service to Lakewood. The LARRY SAUNDERS SERVICE AWARD, is given annually to a person or organization who merits special recognition and community appreciation. This announcement for 2024 will be the award’s eighth year.
Nominations open August 1 and will be accepted through September 20, 2024. Click here to download a nomination form.
The Award provides a separate grant, selected by the recipient, to a Lakewood organization. Both will be presented at the first regular City Council meeting of 2025.