Submitted by Clover Park Rotary.

LAKEWOOD – Alan Billingsley handed over a $2,500 check from the “Pierce County Watershed” grant program. The grant will be used for continuing improvements at the “South Puget Sound Wildlife Park” on Phillips Rd.
Billingsley is the “point-person” for Clover Park Rotary who has, for the last several years, had this park as a signature project for improvements. The Club receives grants and donates funds for upgrades.

Rotary provides much of the hands-on efforts in improving the park, and has received help from Clover Park School District students, Pierce College, the Boy Scouts, Lakewood Rotarians, and several other groups and individuals in providing new fencing, concrete pads for sitting areas, upgrades to shelters, and worked with the State to plant foliage indigenous to the area.
Want to give back to your community in a spirit of fellowship? Go to: and go to “Join our club.”
Great news! Thank you, Alan, for your leadership and the opportunities provided for our youth to learn the value of service to our community.
Such a great project! (On a side note, we should set up a go-fund me page for Ben, so he can afford a good pair of pants.)