The 2024 Summer Olympics are starting this week, and our animals are joining in to show off their unique skills and talents. See who we think would win gold in the Zoolympics!

Professional sports climbing is a newer sport in the Olympics. These goat kids were born experts at climbing and jumping to new heights.

A vision of grace and majesty, the polar bears love swimming! Catch them diving off their platform and playing with their toys in the water.

Siamangs are incredible at gymnastics. Watch them swing from rope to rope in an excellent acrobatic routine.

An American Red Wolf can easily trot more than 50 miles in a day, so the 26.2 miles in a marathon is a breeze for these incredible canines.

The wings on these puffins are perfect for sailing through flight and diving into the water.

Blacktip reef sharks are excellent swimmers. They must continuously swim to force water over their gills and avoid sinking.

Indah keeps her eyes on the ball as it soars through the air. It is, of course, a meatball, but with her precision, she would undoubtedly win at volleyball. Just don’t expect to get this ball back from her!

There is more play than wrestling between our tapirs, but we love to see their energy!

Raven Ari is poised on the balance beam, strutting and showing off.
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