Summer is finally here in Western Washington and with it one very popular event, the Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival. This coming weekend, numerous artists, artisans and authors – all in all around 150 creators – will present their work and offer it for purchase to the public. And, of course, visitors won’t have to go hungry either. But, be advised, the location has changed!
As the usual venue in Gig Harbor is not available for the event anymore, the organizers, the Peninsula Art League, has searched and found an inspiring location with lots of space at the Sehmel Homestead Park a little northeast of Gig Harbor. Author D.L. Fowler founder of the Greater Gig Harbor Literary Society and organizer of the Literary Corner, will be joined by 24 fellow authors – even more than in past years! These are the participating authors and their genres here in alphabetical order: Susanne Bacon (Romance/Historical Fiction/Mystery), Andy Becker (Environment), CJ Booth (Mystery/Thriller), Connie Connally (Historical Fiction), Danelle Darroch (Children/Young Adult), D.L. Fowler (Historical Fiction)Denise Frisino (Historical Fiction), DL Gardner (Fantasy), Sara Graham (Children), Lee Jorgenson (Golf Book), Mary Jaffe (Historical Fiction), Danielle Lord (Non-Fiction), David Martyn (Historical Fiction), Kathy McDaniel (Memoir-Afterlife), Nancy McMullen (Children), Mark Miller (Fantasy), EC Murray (Memoir/Mystery), Kathlee O’Brien (without specification), Ryan Oliver (Sci-Fi/Fantasy), Don Pugnetti (Historical Fiction), DJ Quinn (Memoir), John Shoemaker (Business), Patricia Stricklin (Historical Fiction), Marvin Viale (Children), and Alisa Weis (Historical Fiction). Of course, you can ask the authors all the questions you have about their books, but also about writing in general – they will be delighted to answer.

Outside the Literary Corner, visitors of the festival will be enthused by the Art Show by the Peninsula Art League, love the Kids’ Corner and Playground, listen to music by DJ IceMike, be offered to enter a beer garden featuring Gig Harbor Brewing and 7 Seas Brewing, and find food from Kettle Korn, Millville Pizza, Kona Ice, Pink Gorilla, BBQ2U, and Stacks Burgers. But visitors will not just enjoy culture, they will also contribute to a noble cause. The proceeds from the festival will support scholarships for art students from Gig Harbor, Peninsula, Henderson Bay, and South Kitsap County High Schools, scholarships for Peninsula Art League members continuing their artistic learning, and the funding for art shows, workshops, and educational programs benefiting Gig Harbor and surrounding area.

The festival’s new location is to be found at Sehmel Homestead Park at 10123 78th Ave NW in Gig Harbor, WA. Complimentary shuttles (Around the Sound Shuttles) will run from the free parking lots at Gig Harbor High School (5101 Rosedale St. NW) and Franciscan Medical Pavilion (6401 Kimball Dr.) to Sehmel Park during the Festival Saturday, July 20th (7:00AM to 7:30PM) and Sunday (7:30AM to 6:00PM). The Gig Summer Art Festival will be open on Saturday, July 20 (10:00 -6:00 PM), and on Sunday, July 21, (10:00 – 5:00 PM).
Get yourselves a treat for yourselves, or think of exclusively local Christmas gifts already, and browse in comfort!