The City of University Place will welcome Pizza Pizazz with a ribbon cutting on July 24 from 11 am-12 pm at their location: 5510 Orchard St W, B-6.
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Reader Interactions
Jo Ann Lakin Jacksonsays
Pizza Pizzaz has the best pizza ever. So many choices to make. The one in Lakewood delivers, don’t know if this new one will. They have great subs as well. AND they make Chicken Alfredo–very good too. And you must not forget to order their brownies for dessert! They don’t look like much, but boy are they yummy. I’ll be telling my daughter about it as soon as she gets home from work! (She lives in U.P.)
Pizza Pizzaz has the best pizza ever. So many choices to make. The one in Lakewood delivers, don’t know if this new one will. They have great subs as well. AND they make Chicken Alfredo–very good too. And you must not forget to order their brownies for dessert! They don’t look like much, but boy are they yummy. I’ll be telling my daughter about it as soon as she gets home from work! (She lives in U.P.)