“A man’s greatest treasure….”
How would you finish that proverb in today’s (July 8) One Year Bible reading, Proverbs 18:22?
The answer is, as one commentator seems to imply, “a rudder.” Seriously. And what does a rudder do?
Rudders are the primary steering control, for going straight.
Rudders are shaped so as to reduce drag, helping you get to where you need to go sooner than later, and with less energy expended.
If great care is not taken with regards to the rudder, a ship may strike rocks and be wrecked.
European ships from the 15th to the 17th centuries, with the appropriate rudder, sailed successfully on all seven seas.
And if you haven’t looked up the last half of Proverbs 18:22 yet, here is what is referred to as a ‘rudder’:
“A man’s greatest treasure is his wife (aka, rudder). She’s a gift from the Lord.”
The title “wife” – says the same commentator who seems to suggest ‘rudder’ as a suitable metaphor for this wonderful woman – “is a holy name.”
So, if you want to go straight, reduce unnecessary drag, arrive sooner than later, with less fuss in the process, and successfully sail this sea of life, then appreciate your wife for the gift from God himself to you.
And if you are a widower, like I am, and you seem to drift somewhat aimlessly, then now you know why.
You’ve lost your rudder.
Still, in the very few days from now when we would have celebrated our 52nd Anniversary, I will be where I am because she was my rudder.