Submitted by Paul Webb.

LAKEWOOD – For the seventh time, Clover Park Rotary will sponsor their annual golf tournament at American Lake Veterans Golf Course on August 10th 2024.
“Funds raised at the tournament are used in support on-going maintenance and improvements for the course, which is designed to accommodate veterans and wounded warriors, who have been disabled in service to our country,” said Jim Hairston, who is a member of Clover Park Rotary and a key organizer of the event.
The event has grown each year since the Club began using the tournament as one of its major fundraisers. The idea to support the American Lake Veterans course was the brainchild of Club member and retired Major General, Ed Trobaugh. Trobaugh advocated strongly for wounded warriors and veterans of military service. According to Hairston, the Club has donated $84,000 since 2018.
Besides their work in supporting the golf course, Clover Park Rotary supports many other charities including local food banks, educational charities and international efforts to improve access to clean water, and in eradicating polio.
Club President Mike Killen indicated there were still openings for anyone desiring to support this wonderful golf course. If you have a foursome, or simply want to play as a single or a two-some, call 253-380-9376, or go to: Tee time is 8am with registration starting at 7:15. Cost is $130 for a single and $500 per foursome.
Want to give back to your community in a spirit of fellowship? Go to: and go to “Join our club.”